We were treated to the most elephant action than I’ve seen since I was in Thailand, quite some years ago.
Saskia is incredibly bored, but being a good soldier about it. Or just maybe keeping her yap shut as she’s whip smart and knows we don’t get out of the Zoo before we get out of it.
Hey sports fans! Chloe and I went on the annual Goodwill Hunting assault on SW Portland’s thrift shops. And we did mighty good.
Building MineCraft Legos and watching MineCraft Videos on our MineCraft ComputerChloe poses next to an Art Car, decorated with yarn!Chloe got Tigger Slippers and a baby Flamingo — Dad got a Fez!
It’s a kit where your Minecraft-obsessed children get to assemble their own computer, then are launched into a series of Minecraft-driven interactives to introduce them (sneakily) to STEM learning concepts by wiring up components and doing some basic programming. I helped her a bit to assemble the box (a couple years from now she’d be able to do it all herself) and after we booted up, she was off and running.
When she goes through all the interactives, add a USB keyboard and it’s a portable Linux desktop for exploration, learning and probably playing a lot of games.
I wonder what she’s going to do with it? Let’s sit back and watch…
We call it, “The Really Fun Park”. Not only does it have all kinds of big things to climb on, it’s also got a big section of sand and concrete water channels and a pump at the top to create all kinds of rivers and lakes. WAY FUN!
Since I moved up to WA I simply wasn’t *in* Oregon very often this summer, just a few days a month on average. Thus, fewer days with Chloe and fewer photos. Here I’ll try to catch up since her birthday back in June.
Chowing down at the new Fro-Yo place!
Holding a baby duck at the Forest Grove Farmer’s Market
Here we are at the Swallowtail School Farm for the big ice cream social before school started.
Good photo of Mother and Daughter
Meanwhile, back at the pool…
We’ve got a long way to go with the “learning to swim” thing, but she’s taught herself the doggie paddle, so I guess we’re on our way!
Here’s Daddy, wondering how he suddenly was nearly 50.
Ice cream issues! You may notice her eye looks funny – that’s because she’s been fighting a weird eye infection all summer.
Yes, it is getting better and finally going away, slowly.