Ice Sledding

January 17, 2024

Our cold snap is coming to an end, much to the relief of the people out there who lost power. Ice storm last night and today we went out in a light drizzle to see if we could sled. Icicle nose! Setting up the tube… Introduction to ice on hills. This time, for sure! And […]

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More Sledding!

January 17, 2024

Here in the Pacific Northwest, especially in the lower elevations, snow is pretty rare. It also often turns to rain quickly and opportunities for sledding here in the Willamette Valley are few and far between. When it does snow, it tends to be pretty wet but during this cold snap it’s been very dry and […]

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Snow and Sledding

January 15, 2024

Hey Joe, whaddaya know? A long cold snap brought several inches of snow. Dry snow, like we never get! Let’s go sledding Dad! Another good run. And a victorious walk home.

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Teens Go Shopping

January 10, 2024

When 13-yr-olds take their holiday gift cards shopping… These boots are made for… ? And below Chloe models her new baggie pants, stomp-y boots and T-shirt.

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Say “Hello” to Pho

January 3, 2024

Time for some Vietnamese food at (yes, this is the name) Pho King Good. Back at home Chloe and Dad teach themselves how to make fresh bread from scratch. Yum! Chloe’s first visit to The Japanese Gardens. Followed by train sushi, a great way to snack. Snugglebunnies Here Chloe and I collaborate on a comic […]

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Happy New Year, 2024

January 1, 2024

Time for our traditional Pennsylvania Dutch New Year’s meal of Pork and Kraut! All home-made! I even made hot bacon dressing from scratch! Yes, it was delicious, and happy birthday to me!

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