On The Water

June 23, 2021

Lisa got two small inflatable kayaks, so I got a canoe, and the other day we took Chloe and her friend River to Hagg Lake. It was an idyllic day. Sunny, warm, mild breezes. Even a picnic table in the shade. The first thing the kids wanted to do was hop on the lobster floaty […]

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Father’s Day, 2021

June 22, 2021

Just a nice average day in McMinville… Bunny! Big, cool playground! Cool muddy stream! We picked a whole bunch of cherries from the tree in the backyard! Cheeseburgers for dinner…

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June 11, 2021

Because you need a bunny photo.

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June 7, 2021

Hey, we got a canoe! Chloe’s ready to paddle! Show me your cookie face!

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