At the Zoo with Robin

April 23, 2017

Cousin Robin was in town for a few days so we took Chloe to the zoo!

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Easter 2017!

April 16, 2017

The Easter Bunny came this morning! With candy and eggs and presents!   …and special guests, Adeline & Ruby… Easter dinner with Ryan, Katie, Adeline, Jonathan, Mr. Peters and Joyce.

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Two Girls For Every Boy…

April 9, 2017

At last, Søren and I live the promise made to us by the Beach Boys so long ago: two girls for every boy: Also a dolphin and a dinosaur. … and there was also tree climbing.

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Reptile Island, March 2017

April 2, 2017

…and we return to Reptile Island…

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Play Dough!

April 2, 2017
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Chloe Makes a Heart

April 2, 2017

Chloe makes a heart… See?

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