9th Birthday! Two Parties!

June 30, 2019

We met up with Randy and Jeane on Chloe’s actual birthday, and on Saturday we had the big kid party. Here’s some photos:

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Cards from Chloe’s 9th Birthday Party

June 30, 2019

Two days after the small gathering we had on Chloe’s actual birthday with Randy and Jeane, Lisa arranged for a kid-style party at PDX Playdate, an indoor place with a huge indoor play structure for them to run, jump, crawl and climb in and private rooms for parties. A stand-out of the experience was the […]

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Father’s Day, 2019

June 16, 2019

Soren and I started off Father’s day on Saturday by having most of the kids over and firing up the charcoal grill. Here’s Chloe and Soren & Marya’s daughter Saskia showing off the fortress they’ve started building in the back yard. You’ll notice that they’ve got weapons and are prepared to stick it to any […]

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