Chloe has been flushing ice cubes down the toilet for weeks, because it’s a thing with the kids these days that this will make it snow. Either way, it did snow!
Chloe went on a rampage as “The Buttcrack Bandit”. That is, adding butt cracks to any snowmen she could reach. See?
Meanwhile, she’s been enjoying mutating more stuffed animals.
In this photo we’ve left The Bird of Regret in a tree in the park for some unfortunate child to find…
Meanwhile, Chloe has inexplicably developed an appreciation for vintage 80’s Garfield stuffies. This lead to us making lasagna. As one does.
Hey, big news! Chloe got into “ACMA” – Arts & Communications Magnet Academy for 9th grade. This is something of a big deal as it means she’ll be able to spend more school time exploring art and animation. If you’d like to know more about the school, here you go –>
Here’s Chloe dancing in the hailstorm that came down last weekend:
Squid-flavored chips are also a hit:
And she’s been busy with more mutants:
Here we are play-testing the board game we’re making. It involves eels. Also cacti, some sharks, the occasional cop, some spies and of course Crime Snail.
Somebody is going to be getting a birthday candle at the next birthday party!
We’re working on getting Chloe into the arts high school in Beaverton so she has more opportunity to focus on her animation and art skills. Here’s two of the things she submitted as part of her application.
Someone’s demented sense of humor seems to have filtered down to the child, as shown by these mutant stuffies she’s made. Yes, I guess this is ultimately my fault, but even at a much younger age she was already drawing things she called “underpants aliens”.
What will happen with Brock, the Rock? This is a video Chloe made on her phone while we were in Astoria. YouTube detected a copyright issue with some of the music Chloe used in this video, so I had to add it to the site another way. If you have trouble with it, you can download the movie file itself here.
Chloe planned a movie about Brock the Rock’s cousins. We shot some footage, but due to time constraints the movie remained unfinished. Until now. The footage was rescued and jammed together into a art film that will shake the the art world for perhaps as long as 30 seconds. Here you are now. Sit down and tune in.
And here we see the first day of 8th grade. This is the last year of the Swallowtail Waldorf School. We’re hoping to get Chloe into an arts high school in Beaverton for 9th. Stay tuned!
Before we headed off to PA, Chloe and her chums went to perennial kid favorite: The Enchanted Forest!
The Enchanted Forest is a fairy tale themed amusement park just south of Portland.
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