Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2015


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Pumpkin Patch with Mama!

October 18, 2015

Train ride out and boat ride back at Lakeview Farms.                                           

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Pumpkin Carving 2015

October 18, 2015

First Chloe wanted to make “lunch”.  It’s more of an art presentation than a meal.  Raw brussel sprouts, one dill pickle, cranberries, caraway seeds and hot sauce.  “yum yum!” Chloe very carefully saved just about every pumpkin seed.  Hope she doesn’t mind that I toasted most of them last night.  She seemed to have some […]

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Pumpkin Farm!

October 18, 2015
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Forest Island, Episode 3

October 18, 2015

Forest Island, episode 3

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More from the beach…

October 15, 2015
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