
January 21, 2017

Welcome to 2017, welcome to winter.  Crazy storm in Portland disrupted our life for two weeks.  Here’s some photos of the fun parts: Hawaiian snow?   Not this time! Yes, something 10+ inches around our place Pretty fun for the kids though I’m not even going to bother telling you how many snow days Chloe […]

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First Tubing of 2017

January 8, 2017

Mom, Chloe and I in the car heading up Mt Hood, or as Chloe calls it “Mountain Hood”. Holy cow, 80-something of inches of snow at Timberline Lodge! By the way, Chloe’s decided she doesn’t like being in photos… Snacks in Timberline Lodge! (here’s the lodge…) …and they just let you know what you’re in […]

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Light Sabers!

January 8, 2017

Jonathan made light sabers for all of us!

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2016 Christmas Photos

January 8, 2017

Christmas day at Joyce’s. Katie managed to get Adaline into a dress long enough for photos. Ruby-dog gets into the act. Here’s most of us! Chloe gets very excited to dig gems and fossils in the science kits! Post-present play. Chloe gets a personalized art box from Gramma Diane and promptly draws a dragon on […]

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Christmas Dinner @ Joyce’s 2016

January 8, 2017

Christmas dinner, 2016.  Steve and Chloe on the left, Joyce’s son Ryan in the middle. Adaline, Katie and Jonathan on the right. Katie, Adaline and Jonathan.  Adaline is about 8 months. Here’s Joyce in the center of that fabulous meal she made!

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January 8, 2017

Chloe was able to join us at Joyce’s place for Xmas. Here we are with the chickens… And on Christmas day, the chickens rewarded the Nelson/Jones family with their very first home-grown egg. (After a mere 8 months of waiting…)

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January 8, 2017

Check out Chloe’s new swing trick!

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