Somebody Turned Eight Years Old!

July 7, 2018


After 20+ years of driving my Mrs Beesley’s Daddy-o finally stopped for a yummy burger…

Birthday Girl!  Pony cake!

Chocolate cake with chocolate inside!

Pool time!

How about we put our ice cream cone on our nose?

Everyone into the pool!

Shark towel from Gramma Diane!

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Sleepover at the Camper then Lincoln City!

May 26, 2018

This past weekend Chloe and I slept over in Betsy, Joyce’s camper:



Chloe’s favorite Dad breakfast?  Chocolate Pancakes!

After breakfast we rolled out to Lincoln City for a few hours at the beach.

Lincoln City

On the beach!

Lovely day out.

You should have seen all the crazy jellyfish we saw that day.  Sorry, didn’t get a good photo.


Searching for fossils at the fossil store!  Chloe was very excited to get a piece of whale bone and some big shark teeth.



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Let’s Roll!

May 19, 2018

Chloe, Bailey and I went out for some fun the other day.  It’s spring in Portland, which means… BABY BIRDS!!

Here Bailey gets a goose to eat out of her hand.


Holy cow, we saw an Eagle!

Here’s some goslings for you. The baby wood ducks were incredibly adorable, but I didn’t get a good photo of them.

Chloe really enjoyed the pipe cleaner unicorn Gramma Diane made for her…

…and the kitty! Look at her big smile!

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More Fun With The Little Girl

April 29, 2018

Check out this redwood they cut down from the front yard of a home across the street from the park.

A real giant!  The sign says the wood will be used for improvements in the park.

Here we are at a friend’s birthday party.

Then we’re at the park.

Someone’s being silly!

Holy cow, another birthday party!

We call this place, THE REALLY FUN PARK.

Dad’s personal fav photo right here.

Chloe measures herself by how much better she gets at climbing these things.

Alley Oop!


Here we are racing around Salmon Street Fountain.

Chloe tries on the the next hot look for those who dig through junk store stuff!

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Chloe at the Zoo

April 1, 2018

Hey, guess what? We renewed our membership at the Zoo! Here’s some things we saw:

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February 13, 2018


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Playing in the snow, Jan 2018

January 20, 2018

I loaned Chloe out to some old white-haired guy to take her up to play in the snow on Mt. Hood.

She’s still pretty timid on the sledding. May be a few more years before the snowboarding lessons.


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Christmas 2017

December 25, 2017

Christmas 2017


Grama Diane’s painted star!

Santa was here!


The night before, Chloe found some plastic bags and decided to make her own shorts and shirt.


Chloe gets a Unicorn to ride on at Lisa’s place


Santa brought Steve a Jamón!

Daddio has a buddy

Daddio has a short-term holiday job at UPS that required me to shave the face.
I left the mustache at first.  Maybe you can’t see it, but reminds me of
photos of Pop-Pop when he was in his 20’s.


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December 14, 2017

Chloe says “Hello!”

chloe pix

Chloe and her undersea castle

Here we are starting to decorate the tree

Lost a tooth!

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Thanksgiving 2017

November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017. Chloe and I get on the Amtrak to journey in comfort and convenience to Tacoma to relax with Joyce’s side of the family.

thanksgiving 2017

Pony and knitting.

Things you can’t do when riding in a car: headstands, not wearing your seatbelts, jumping in the aisles, getting a cookie in the snack bar…

Adaline is about a year and a half old. Chasing Chloe is her new toddler olympic sport!

Here’s a rare moment where they weren’t in motion.

“Hey everyone! We’re going to do a group photo! Sit still!”

Here’s all the players, roll credits…

What’s that in the garage? Yes, Jonathan *is* building a dinosaur!

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