Setting up the Tree, 2020
Here we are setting up a very fine Christmas tree. Please enjoy, and also enjoy some additional Chloe photos…

Here we are setting up a very fine Christmas tree. Please enjoy, and also enjoy some additional Chloe photos…
As much as I hate hearing leaf blowers, they are actually fun to use in small doses. Here’s Chloe showing us how it’s done!
How does one Trick or Treat in the era of COVID? We were worried that this year was going to be a bust, but Forest Grove pulled it off with style!
press play below for some spooky music (in Spanish)
Traditionally, the merchants of downtown Forest Grove open their doors to little ghouls and goblins but this year that’s a little problematic. So they pulled together and came up with a solution. They closed down main street, set out a one-way path lined with stations and metered parties of kids through. Nicely done, Forest Grove! Take a peek of Chloe and River exploring.
…and here we go!
( click to play )
Then a break for a late lunch at Taqueria La Estrella…
… then a quick bike ride around to scout the neighborhood. Here’s an example of how people have prepped for trick or treaters in the era of COVID 19. If you look close, you can see they’ve made treat bags, and clipped them to stakes in the front yard. Easy for the socially-distanced treating!
When sun set, we set out.
Sometimes a Dragon doesn’t fit so well in the doorway.
And presenting… the scariest haunt of the night!
Chloe’s dragon costume really brought a lot of cheer to people that night. It was really something to watch some of the older members of our community light up when she came to the door. I’m glad we went.
In case you were wondering, this is what a deflated dragon looks like:
Meanwhile, Chloe’s cat Shady loves Dad’s shoes.
Chloe is so excited for Halloween, she could probably tell you the number of hours until it’s here. Here she is building our gingerbread haunted house.
Then it was time to carve pumpkins.
…and dad has roasted up a heck of a lot of pumpkins seeds…
Chloe took a break from carving to roll in the grass in the park.
Meanwhile, Chloe had the homework assignment to paint a halloween piece of art, so she made this terrifying monster!
Here we are working on some postcards. Yes, the pens were smudgy.
Here we are at Peninsula Park Rose Garden.
…and here we see our intrepid Minecraft adventurer keeping active while waiting for the sun to come up in the Minecraft game. Cue the waiting theme song!
We just missed Chloe’s Grand Battle of the Llamas! She is on an epic quest —— for pants! To make pants she needs leather. Let’s see what happens, shall we?
Will she get pants? Or will she run around without pants? Watch and see!
And here is our young scholar, starting her first day of school. Since this is 2020, Year of the Pandemic, all her school stuff is happening at home, remotely.
Chloe is ready for Halloween — she’s already got her costume! Yes, she’s really in there!
Yesterday we went swimming at Hagg Lake, a reservoir near Forest Grove.
Chloe is not fond of sunscreen. Every time I have to show her my scar from where my melanoma was removed.
Dogs on paddleboards!
Chloe models her new life jacket.