More Chloe Photos

October 1, 2019

Chloe’s felting skills include making bees! Here’s some Chloe cousins Waiting for the rain RARRRR! felted sushi A felt unicorn eating felt pizza… dying yarn at the school farm

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Sunday Parkways

September 1, 2019

Shutting down the streets for a massive amounts of bike riders is kind of a Portland thing it seems. A few weeks ago Choe was a spectator on the back of Dad’s Big Bike. A week later, the magic happened and she figured out how to ride on her own. Now she’s a total bike […]

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And We Went to Oaks Park

September 1, 2019
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More Gramma Diane

September 1, 2019

While you weren’t looking, we went off to do the tour at Creo Chocolate, which was well worth it. All three of us had a good time, and I think you would too. Here we are customizing chocolate bars. We couldn’t get a photo with all three of us looking at the camera and smiling […]

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A Visit from Gramma Diane — Videos!

September 1, 2019

Here’s Chloe showing us how much of a better artist she is at 9 than the rest of us. Here’s a bit of video of Chloe painting with mom. This is out of order but still funny. An introduction to the riot of ground squirrels at Rooster Rock State Park where we stopped for lunch. […]

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August 11, 2019
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The Bike Riding Gene Kicks In

July 24, 2019

Last time I was out in Forest Grove and took Chloe on bike riding practice she was pretty frustrated that it wasn’t working. Yet tonight, it all seemed to click and now she’s riding on her own! Ok, she needs more practice but she’s got the basics. How exciting! Here’s Chloe and The Saddest Tree […]

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9th Birthday! Two Parties!

June 30, 2019

We met up with Randy and Jeane on Chloe’s actual birthday, and on Saturday we had the big kid party. Here’s some photos:

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Cards from Chloe’s 9th Birthday Party

June 30, 2019

Two days after the small gathering we had on Chloe’s actual birthday with Randy and Jeane, Lisa arranged for a kid-style party at PDX Playdate, an indoor place with a huge indoor play structure for them to run, jump, crawl and climb in and private rooms for parties. A stand-out of the experience was the […]

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Father’s Day, 2019

June 16, 2019

Soren and I started off Father’s day on Saturday by having most of the kids over and firing up the charcoal grill. Here’s Chloe and Soren & Marya’s daughter Saskia showing off the fortress they’ve started building in the back yard. You’ll notice that they’ve got weapons and are prepared to stick it to any […]

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