More Gramma Diane
While you weren’t looking, we went off to do the tour at Creo Chocolate, which was well worth it. All three of us had a good time, and I think you would too. Here we are customizing chocolate bars. We couldn’t get a photo with all three of us looking at the camera and smiling at the same time, DERP!

Here’s a good shot of Mom and Chloe at the park.

Here we are at Multnomah Falls, with Special Guest Star, Saskia Petersen.

Here’s Saskia doing pretty much what I spent my teen years doing, reading voraciously, every spare moment when I wasn’t being intellectually engaged.

We had a pretty epic time at Latourell Falls, lead by Saskia. 30 or 40 years ago I’d be that person climbing all that, but in truth, someone does have to stand back and be prepared to call for emergency services. Chloe did take a tumble, wet clothes, no permanent damage. Saved by Dad, yay me.

Saskia had just met Mom that morning.
I told them to pretend they knew each other for this photo.