No Action Yet

June 26, 2010

Lisa’s getting impatient. She’s going for a walk to see if she can shake the baby out. I went in search for Chinese food.

At 5pm the staff will start trying to talk us into inducing, but we’re going to hold out a bit in hopes of avoiding all those interventions.


Waiting for the Baby

June 26, 2010

Nothing much is happening right now.  We’re told that you pretty much have your baby within 24 hours of your water breaking.  So, we’re expecting the rest of the event today.  Not sure when.

Here’s a photo of the monitor following contractions and baby heartbeat.


As Big as The Belly is Going to Get

June 26, 2010

Here’s the belly!



June 26, 2010

At 5am this morning Lisa’s water broke. We’re at the hospital now getting set up. Everything is going fine. More later.


Ultrasound Photos 6/9/2010

June 9, 2010

I know she doesn’t look any different than any other baby, but that’s not stopping me from feeling these are the cutest baby ultrasounds I have ever seen.  Interested?  Click on the photos for a full-sized pic.

From today, June 9th, 2010

And in other good news, mom and baby are perfectly healthy.  The little munchkin is pretty much average in size, weight and all that, which is good!

June 30th is the projected date.  It’s coming up fast.


Baby Belly June 7th 2010

June 7, 2010
Belly 6/7/2010

Belly 6/7/2010

Here comes the belly!



June 3, 2010

We were at the doctor’s today.  Everything’s going fine.  Check out that heartbeat!



May 19th Belly Shot

May 20, 2010
Belly - May 19th

Belly - May 19th

Here’s the belly as of May 19th.  We’ve moved into the new place out by Randy and Jean.  We’ve got huge… tracts of living room.


Bump at the Beach

April 23, 2010

We’re at Cannon Beach this weekend.  Here’s the view from the camera phone:

Lisa and Buddy on the beach

Cannon Beach 2010

Beachy beach

dog ears

Dogs can fly?



April 18, 2010
Tiny Sweater!

Mandy knitted a tiny sweater for Baby!

The baby shower was yesterday, here’s a pre-shower photo of Lisa with this ultra-cute teeny little sweater Aunt Mandy knitted.

More baby shower photos will arrive in the next week.  Meanwhile, here’s some photos of Man Day — the men went off, cooked meat, worked on the car and scratched themselves a lot while the women were at the shower.

Phil, Scratching

Phil, Scratching

Toddler and Tools

Fortunately we had a tiny mechanic

Fish Story

Fish Story