Teens Go Shopping

When 13-yr-olds take their holiday gift cards shopping…

These boots are made for… ?

And below Chloe models her new baggie pants, stomp-y boots and T-shirt.

When 13-yr-olds take their holiday gift cards shopping…
These boots are made for… ?
And below Chloe models her new baggie pants, stomp-y boots and T-shirt.
Time for some Vietnamese food at (yes, this is the name) Pho King Good.
Back at home Chloe and Dad teach themselves how to make fresh bread from scratch. Yum!
Chloe’s first visit to The Japanese Gardens.
Followed by train sushi, a great way to snack.
Here Chloe and I collaborate on a comic called “Duck & Friend”.
I started by drawing the panels and the duck, Chloe added his friend.
Time for our traditional Pennsylvania Dutch New Year’s meal of Pork and Kraut!
All home-made! I even made hot bacon dressing from scratch!
Yes, it was delicious, and happy birthday to me!
Santa Claus was here, or at least a Santa Claus.
Chloe and her new Cactus friend.
Shady Cat. He likes to eat pine needles, and then barf them up.
Yay for America…
Hey, here’s the kid!
Chloe had never cooked a whole fish before.
…and her first time having a whole crab! (Oregon Dungeness crab)
Ice skating at Lloyd Center
2023 Chloe School Photos
Well, these are two samples of the six taken. If you’d like to order them printed nicely and delivered from the photographer, just ask me and I’ll send you the link to the web site. They are really quite nice.
These are two photos I snitched and did a rough job of removing the watermark.
The top one came out better, but you can really see the blotches on the one below:
Any photos you order won’t have these blotches, promise!
Chloe’s school has a fundraiser every holiday season called The Winter Market. Chloe make this giant pile of plushies and sold almost every one!
Spider with a party hat!
Chloe wants me to appear on the humerous baking show called Nailed It! Click here to watch Nailed It! on Netflix.
So we made a baking video of us baking. I thought we were supposed to send in a 10-minute video, but actually when I found the correct instructions it turns out the video is only supposed to be ONE MINUTE. Oops, we’ll need to re-make it.
So here’s the original video. Perhaps I will get around making this shorter, after all it’s merely an hour long… but it is full of humorous commentary. Click this link to watch: https://www.tikimojo.com/share/hedgehog-unedited.mp4
Did you know that I’m a cake consultant for NASA? Now you do!
Our terrible Hedgehog cake: google that for more horribleness. Turns out it’s a “thing”.
While you weren’t looking, we went to the Holiday Expo:
It lives on air!
It was time – October 31st – time to trick ‘o’ treat!
Chloe turned down the crab hat…
She went as a Cheeto!
Four teens ready to hit the neighborhood…
Chloe’s school has a harvest festival every fall, here’s some photos.
Chloe volunteered to do face painting.
Here she is painting a dinosaur, soon to have a top hat and a tutu.
A dino and a fish for her, a ghost for pops!
Goats – they might stand on anything!
Hiya there.
Here’s Shady, the cat who always knows where to sit to be in the way.
Doodles while waiting for tacos. Can you tell which side of the sketchbook is Dad and which is kid?
A friend of mine made this glass heart in her glass blowing studio! Neat!