July 17, 2017
My awesome cousin Sue George dropped by the other day on her way to Mountain Bike Oregon. Here’s some photos of Chloe chill’axing with her dinosaurs and being silly while we were at the food cart pods with Sue. Enjoy.
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2017 by Steve
July 10, 2017
Chloe decides to make floaties for her dinosaurs…
Henry Hagg Lake
Cargo – one kid, one fifty-pound bag of potting soil.
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2017 by Steve
June 2, 2017
Chloe presents the latest episode of Reptile Island!
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2017 by Steve
May 13, 2017
Wherein Chloe learns to fly:
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2017 by Steve
April 23, 2017
Cousin Robin was in town for a few days so we took Chloe to the zoo!
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2017 by Steve
April 16, 2017
The Easter Bunny came this morning!
With candy and eggs and presents!
…and special guests, Adeline & Ruby…
Easter dinner with Ryan, Katie, Adeline, Jonathan, Mr. Peters and Joyce.
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2017 by Steve
April 9, 2017
At last, Søren and I live the promise made to us by the Beach Boys so long ago: two girls for every boy:
Also a dolphin and a dinosaur.
… and there was also tree climbing.
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2017 by Steve
April 2, 2017
…and we return to Reptile Island…
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2017 by Steve
April 2, 2017
Chloe makes a heart… See?
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2017 by Steve