Christmas 2017

December 25, 2017

Christmas 2017 UNICORN!!! Grama Diane’s painted star! Santa was here! The night before, Chloe found some plastic bags and decided to make her own shorts and shirt. Chloe gets a Unicorn to ride on at Lisa’s place Santa brought Steve a Jamón! Daddio has a buddy Daddio has a short-term holiday job at UPS that […]

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December 14, 2017

Chloe says “Hello!” Chloe and her undersea castle Here we are starting to decorate the tree Lost a tooth!

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Thanksgiving 2017

November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017. Chloe and I get on the Amtrak to journey in comfort and convenience to Tacoma to relax with Joyce’s side of the family. Pony and knitting. Things you can’t do when riding in a car: headstands, not wearing your seatbelts, jumping in the aisles, getting a cookie in the snack bar… Adaline is […]

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November 21, 2017

I’ve been bad at taking and posting photos the last umpteen weeks.  Sorry, been distracted. Here’s Chloe and Bailey making cut-out cookies with me this week: The screwed-up decorations are mine, made with my big fat man fingers.  The precise and finely detailed cookie decorations are all Chloe.

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Ft. Stevens State Park

September 3, 2017
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Sailor Shirt!

September 3, 2017

Gramma Diane made this sailor shirt for my sister Mandy. Now it (briefly) fits Chloe!

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More fun with Chloe

September 3, 2017

We made play dough! We win loads of tickets at Pietros Pizza! Down at the river The Oregon State Fair Look how big she’s getting! Bailey managed to catch a duck at the park (I asked her not to do that again)

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Cousin Sue Comes to Visit!

July 17, 2017

My awesome cousin Sue George dropped by the other day on her way to Mountain Bike Oregon.  Here’s some photos of Chloe chill’axing with her dinosaurs and being silly while we were at the food cart pods with Sue.  Enjoy.

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Fun in July

July 10, 2017

Sparkly! Chloe decides to make floaties for her dinosaurs… Henry Hagg Lake Cargo – one kid, one fifty-pound bag of potting soil.

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Return to Reptile Island!

June 2, 2017

Chloe presents the latest episode of Reptile Island!

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