Inappropriate Books for Kids

March 18, 2010

Baby’s going to have to learn to read.  With today’s Internet, the kid will probably know how to send text messages before she knows how to talk. Possibly with the help of the fine, oh so fine books displayed on this blog.  Lots of crazy examples of kid’s books, from Andy Warhol, to Umberto Eco, […]


It’s A Girl!

February 11, 2010

We went for the big ultrasound today, survey says: And this photo proves it, see? Woohoo!  Soon we’ll have enough Hello Kitty stuff we can roll in it! The Ultrasound sees all, it knows all…  According to the ultrasound, we’ve got the right number of fingers and toes, everything’s normal and lookin’ good! Name suggestions […]


Baby Passes the First Tests!

January 13, 2010

Good news today!  We’ve run the kid through a bunch of test to screen for Downs Syndrome and a couple other unfortunate issues, and indications are that chances are only 1 out of 10,000 that the little critter will suffer from them. Yahoo!