Pennsylvania, Peck’s Pond & Bog Girl

Airplane! Headed to Pennsylvania!

Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton International Airport serves Bethlehem – where Peeps are made!
(Can you tell?)

Hi Mom! It is great to be back. Chloe hasn’t been here since she was too small to stand.
Grandpa Hausman, the cabinet maker and high school wood shop teacher built this house.
Pretty great to this day!

We got a bit Dutchy – visiting the old neighborhood with its covered bridge and 1860’s mill dam.

Chloe’s first encounter with Easy Cheese. It is easy, but is it really cheese?

Peck’s Pond! (Actually, it is a lake)

It’s his lake, we just visit it.

Pre-muck photo, as we start our hike down the crick.

Oddly enough, the kids at the camp Chloe went to this summer weren’t allowed to do stuff like this.

We mucked our way all the way to the lake!

Post-muck victory shots! Look at those big smiles!

Mark came to visit!
Arnold has never met a cheeseball he didn’t like. To eat.