Getting Dutchy
We went to the Pennsylvania German Heritage Center in Kutztown. I goofed up on my research and it turned out to be closed that day. But we got photos!

Since we’re Fancy Dutch, not Plain Dutch we don’t know how to actually farm anything these days, but it is part of our story. The last operating farms in the family date back to Chloe’s great-grandmother’s era. Most of that is now suburban housing around Allentown. For those of you who don’t know there were so many of us German settlers that the first newspaper in Allentown was printed in German. In living memory are people born here in the US but didn’t learn English until they were sent to school.
Get aught, nah!

We went up to the Trexler Nature Preserve to frolic in the Jordan River for a bit. Chloe learned how to skip rocks. We got to see some bison and also were pretty close to three wild deer who had come down to the river. Chloe’s great-great grandmother Verna Peters used to talk about being hired by General Trexler to bring water to the people working at the nature preserve.