Crafting for the School Holiday Market
Chloe felted up a storm for her school’s holiday market fundraiser. Check out all the things she made, all felted!

…and more!

This was part of her classwork, which believe it or not is Business Math. About time they taught this stuff to kids early. Here’s a breakdown of what they were working on, leading up to the holiday market where they sold their products:
11/29 Business Math begins with a focus on how loans work and simple interest calculations. Students will also be working on a business plan for a small market of their own. Here’s the tentative timeline:
12/2 Decisions made regarding what students will be selling
12/5 Estimate start up costs and applications for loans due. Begin working on logo/sign
12/9 Create inventory lists with estimated units for sale and submit pricing ideas
12/15 Market opens with student stores at 12:00 for 6th grade pre-sales.
12:45 Market opens to the general public
How did Chloe get that black eye? She got a stilt to the face! Here she tells the story: