Welcome to the Ape Caves
On the side of Mt. Saint Helens, you know, the volcano you may remember from 1980? It’s right up the street, more or less, from Portland. Volcanoes throw out lava, which makes lava tubes, which result in fun caves to explore. Chloe’s 6th grade class just had an overnight camping trip to explore this very thing! The “Ape Caves” – named after the Ape climbing club who discovered them some years ago, and a neat place to visit.
Oops. These shoes were new pre-lava.

Our explorers are ready to go!

Journey To The Center Of The Earth


Above is a photo of the north side of Mt. St. Helens today – looks calm, doesn’t it?
(The kids were on the south side)

Here’s a view of the mountain during the eruption which destroyed everything for miles.

This is a photo from the north side looking south. In Portland, there are days when we can see the mountain firepot steaming away…