Chloe Turns 12!

How to hold a birthday. Step one: the kid party. Head to your local outlet of the Birthday Industrial Complex. Unleash the children on the games.

Step 2: Win lots of tickets. Daddio managed to shoot the jellyfish in the spearfishing game and scored 500 tickets for Chloe in one shot!

Step 3: Pizza!

Step 4: Cake!


Step 5: Post kid party, some quiet family time at the paint-your-own pottery place. Here’s Chloe covering a cat figurine with “meme” graphics. What will it look like once it’s fired? Tune in next week and find out!

Step 6: A few weeks ago Chloe had been asking about having a grilled steak sometime. Well, why not on her birthday? Why not indeed? So Dad grilled up two big t-bones and we snacked down! Be forewarned, now Chloe knows she likes steak.
What a great party day! How are we going to top this next year?!?!?