Serious Post

November 16, 2010

Dad here. It’s true. We’ve been relying on Unemployment Insurance benefits for months. Believe me, it suck rocks. Sure, I get to spend more time with Chloe, but we were much better off when I had a paycheck.

As bad as things are for us, some people have it worse.  People need to eat.  Take action to extend unemployment benefits:

Meanwhile you can support myself, Chloe and Lisa by keeping your ear to the ground for work opportunities for me.  Examples:

  • sales / project management / guru positions for internet-web stuff
  • freelance web projects
  • … or just ask me for more ideas!

You can see some of my portfolio from 14 years of work doing these things here:

Update 2019: Got an email with a suggestion of adding this:

I want to suggest you also share an important guide on women’s safety online which came out recently. It was written by women for women and empowers women to protect themselves online.

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